Under the motto buy things that matter, the New Heritage Festival took place for the third time on 7th & 8th December 2019 in Düsseldorf, Germany. Around 5,000 visitors admired, tried and informed themselves about the high-quality and often handmade goods of 125 small and large exhibiting manufacturers.

Exhibitors included leather goods manufacturer Croots England, beeswax cloth producer Toff & Zürpel and shoe manufacturer Zeha Berlin. “We are proud that we are able to inspire so many different exhibitors for the New Heritage year after year”, said Moritz Fuchs, initiator of the fair. “The feedback we have received from our exhibitors is very positive throughout: they appreciate the interested and affluent audience, the exchange with colleagues and the great atmosphere in the location Areal Böhler”.
“The New Heritage is a great opportunity to take our products on the road and to show people who we are and what we do. We have met many new, enthusiastic visitors and it is great how interested they are in our products and the store, Clutch Cafe.”
Ben Chamberlain, Clutch Cafe

In addition to end consumers, visitors from the B2B sector were also encountered at New Heritage. Uwe Maier of AMTRAQ Distribution confirms this and explains: “For us as a trade agency, New Heritage offers the opportunity to get direct feedback from end consumers and to test the reactions to our products. But the fair also has a wholesale function, so we have been able to make some new contacts with dealers”.
The eight workshops and lectures were particularly well attended this year. Among the highlights were the lecture Restoring Furniture by Stephan Beek (Unicum Krefeld) and the TrashTalk by Victoria Blocksdorf, organizer of Blockblock Rhein Cleanups, who provided valuable information on the topic of plastic avoidance.
Friends of high-quality manufactured articles have something to look forward to: The New Heritage Festival returns to its hometown Munich on May 9th & 10th, 2020 and for the first time will not take place on the Praterinsel but in the Zenith and Kohlebunker.
“We have grown steadily in recent years – the new location meets our space requirements and offers the chance to open the festival to even more visitor groups. We are therefore planning to integrate lifestyle brands with Heritage DNA as well as sustainable labels that place great value on the fair and ecological manufacture of their products into New Heritage and to make the range of products on offer to visitors even larger”. Sebastian Klinder, also managing director of New Heritage.
On 5th & 6th December 2020, the New Heritage will then take place again at the Areal Böhler in Düsseldorf.